Infection in the human body and the worms parasites are quite common in today's world. Worm infestation is a disease, which is associated with a number of unpleasant symptoms. Parasites suck the cells of the tissues of nutrients and the body and vitamins, you get a whole bunch of health problems. Treatment of parasites effectively carried out with the help of folk remedies. Although they are inferior in speed of action medication drugs, but there is no side effects to the body.
In order to protect against worms and parasites, a man must know where the source of possible contamination:

- Dirty hands. Wash your Hands with soap each will visit the streets and toilets. This function is effective, but does not guarantee the absence of danger, as in the course of their lives people are constantly in contact with things and different objects. For example, public transport to keep the railings in the shop to sort the paper bills.
- Insects. Flies mosquitoes and Legs are the carriers of the larvae of the parasite. So in the summer the Windows and doors of your home should have thick curtains closed and food is not left out, and cover with a lid and a towel.
- Water. Use can be unboiled liquid inhabited by various parasites, eggs, so water before drinking should always be boiled.
- The Pet hair. Pets that live in apartments, it sometimes is necessary to wash it regularly and comb their hair.
- Some of the food. Fruits and vegetables, a man must use rinse. The shelves in the store, the man should not take a larger cleaned nuts and seeds.
Symptoms of parasites in the body
About parasites in the body, showing the following symptoms:
- Constipation. Some worms have reached a large size, to prevent bile intestinal channels ny, ny interfere with the normal process of defecation.
- Diarrhea. Micro-organisms can secrete a substance, thinning feces.
- Bloating and flatulence. Penetrates into the inner part of the small intestine, the worms cause inflammation in the body.
- Spasms of the intestine. When the parasitism of the micro-organism in the body fat falling from the food is digested much worse. Because of this, fat deposits accumulate in the walls of the intestine deposits and causes the spasmodic reaction.
- The pain and the joints in the muscles. Often the parasites settle in the muscles and synovial fluid. The immune system tries to fight the uninvited inhabitants. This battle During the person feels pain, similar to arthritis.
- Allergies. Slag worms attack the immune system by producing protective cells and eosinophils. Insufficient development of the latter, the body begins to be poisoned. The person shows various allergic reactions.
- Rashes. Parasitic English is not rarely becomes the cause of dermatitis, eczema, warts, and wounds on the skin.
- Anemia. Intestinal parasites are able to bind to the intestinal mucosa and absorb nutrients. Sometimes you can in the diet of the worms consists of the blood of the son cells, which causes significant blood loss can cause anemia.
- Excessive or insufficient weight. Completeness refers to the fact that the parasites consume primarily glucose poison the abundance of waste. With strong emaciation, the patient is disturbed metabolism.
- Irritability and anxiety. Worms produce toxic waste products that interfere with the nervous system and has the effect of moderating people.
- Sleep disorders. Around 2 – 3am pay to throw the poi accumulated in the parasitic poisons. Most often this time of helminth eggs accumulated in the anusnymi and its passage irritating to the mucous membranes. The anus to itch and starts the stabilisation and association agreement with the selection.
- Gnashing of the teeth during sleep. The toxic effects of the parasite interferes with the body's nervous system.
- Chronic fatigue. Syndrome occurs, lack of nutrients in the body kun, because the use of parasites.
- Oncology. Long English micro-organisms in the human body leads to disruption of the functioning of and some body tissues.
- Respiratory failure. If the movement of the body, the parasites from the respiratory tract, the patient will experience symptoms such as cough, runny nose and high temperature. Developed asthma or pneumonia can also be shown in English in the body of the worms.
The patient has increased appetite, irresistible lust and sweet and starchy food. Often the symptoms include headache, nausea and unpleasant breath. Exhaustion and wearing, unfortunately, the nervous system infection appear particularly dark circles under the eyes.

Folk recipes and remedies for parasites
The juice of garlic
Garlic contains a lethal dose of volatile. This substance is struggling with a variety of micro-organisms, their and take out. A man must get a result adhere to the following treatment: at least 3 times a day to swallow 5 drops of garlic juice. It is desirable to hour before to make it a meal. After a week the dosage can be increased up to 7 drops.
There is also an effective remedy and the worms parasites – a glass of buttermilk add the chopped garlic and 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Stir the drink and one hour before a meal. The procedure for the whole 5 days.
Extracts of walnut
Walnuts are rich in essential oil eugenol, which has a detrimental effect of parasitic animals. The Kernel of the walnut to grind (need to get a tablespoon) with a glass of wine and more. Infuse the mixture should be at least 3 weeks. Ready infusion take 3 – 5 tablespoons before meals. Daily intake exceeds the should not be 5 times.
Pharmacy buy 5 g of dry powder, cloves pour a Cup of boiling water. After 1 minute, the mixture is heated in a water bath, and then infused for at least 30 minutes. Teaspoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals decoction should be consumed inside.
Tip! Every day Men need to prepare a fresh decoction of cloves, because of the volatile active substance.
Tincture of chanterelles
The vixen unique mushrooms. They kill containing parasite material hainanense. Use these vain tincture of mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms need to leave about two weeks alcohol. Eat before bed a teaspoon for 7 days.
The infusion of the powder and the seeds of tansy
Men need to prepare 2 tablespoons of dried tansy flowers and pour 1 liter of boiled water. Infuse for an hour. The rules of admission of the finished tincture:
- adults need to take before a meal at least 3 times a day for 1/2 Cup;
- the child is given the same way one tablespoon.
Help! In pharmacies you can buy a more powerful medicine against worms – the powder of the seeds of tansy. Should use It before twice a day meals: adults: teaspoonful, for children half teaspoonful.
Tincture of wormwood
1 tbsp. sage is diluted with 100 ml of alcohol and insist in a dark place for about 14 days. The prepared infusion must drink 3 times a day for 20 — 30 min before meal 15 — 20 drops.

Milled pumpkin seeds
The seeds of pumpkins contains harmful parasites ingredients – cucurbita, which has a paralyzing effect. 300 g peeled pumpkin is ground and the seeds are mixed with water or honey in a ratio of 1:1. An empty stomach drink a glass of mixture. Then do not eat for 3 hours and take a laxative.
Carrot juice
The tops of carrots and the seeds contain substances that affect the parasites at the cellular level.
Carrot juice is more beneficial to together all parts of the carrots. The juice can be drunk at any time of day, but as no more than 2 cups a day. Most efficiency juice on the morning when taken on an empty stomach. The course is a week. Pay the results, the whole procedure after 14 days.
Pomegranate peel
The bark of pomegranate contains a unique substance – Pelerin. It kills all kinds of micro-organisms.
Help! Pellerin recognized as an official vermifuge medicine. The concentration of the substance is 0.01% are able to completely parasite and remove all their larvae.
To prepare the therapeutic infusion, take 50 g of fresh pomegranate peel and pour 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture was infused for 6 hours and then boil until, until the volume of the infusion to calculate not twice.
System remedies from pomegranate peel:
- SIP-the volume of the resulting infusion should drink in an hour;
- after taking wait 30 minutes and take a laxative;
- 4 hours el food and consume the liquid;
- finishing procedure a cleansing enema.
Tincture of ginger
Include ginger cineole, geraniol and vanillin acid, unbearable substances are parasites. 500 grams of grated root pour 500 ml. vodka infused for 15 days and shake daily dish of tincture. Take a half an hour before a meal one teaspoon 3 times a day.
The average onion man need to cut into small cubes and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist night and drink half a glass on an empty stomach in the morning and half a Cup before bedtime. The course is a week's break for 10 days.
Small horseradish root grate it on a fine and squeeze the grater the juice of the poi t it. Before eating a tablespoon of juice diluted in a glass of boiled water. Consume 5 – 7 days before each meal.
A thermos 500 ml of boiling water put 2 tablespoons of dry herb tansy. To stand for a day and strain, divided into 4 equal parts. You can use the following:
- adults 10 consecutive days must take ½ Cup of the drug 1 hour before meals;
- children at the same time should eat 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Soap bacteria on the skin to kill all of them and prevent the penetration. Wash your Hands with soap each will visit the streets and after using the toilet. After defecation with a solution of soap, the man need to wash the anus. Kill all This procedure and their parasite eggs accumulated in the anus.
Soda can be used for both pest control externally and take internally:
- Externally. 2 tablespoons dissolved in 700 ml. of warm boiled water. Liquid to do This enema once a day during the week.
- Inside. In a glass of warm boiled water to take 1 teaspoon. baking soda. The solution is to drink on an empty stomach. 10 minutes Before drink a glass of plain water.
Coriander seeds
A handful of seeds on a heated pan without oil and grind in a coffee grinder. Within 4 – 6 days the powder is added to food and drink or take 1 g 3 times a day.
Watermelon milk and seeds
To prepare watermelon seeds based on milk 1:10. Grind in a blender them and mix with milk. An empty stomach drink a glass of the vehicle for a whole week.
Papaya seeds contain species that effectively remove a variety of worms. A teaspoon of seeds powder diluted in a glass of water or milk. In the morning before meals this drug is taken for 7 – 10 days.
Black walnut

Contains a lot of ny-substances antifungal parasites. Contained in the fruit juglone is iodine odor resistant micro-organisms. Nuts also combine a variety of tannins, ascorbic acid, organic acids and flavonoids.
Easier to get to, with a black walnut at the pharmacy. Next It is carried out in accordance with the schedule: reception seven days, seven days then a break, and so 4 times.
Precautions! Black walnut can lower blood pressure, so hypertensive patients should be to create a procedure: 1 capsule a day and added three different textures to gradually the recommended dose. No Black walnut in the void drug use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Tips for efficient use of national resources
In order to take care against parasites brought maximum benefit, a man must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Some are better herbs brewing and others require boiled cold water. To clarify this point in advance.
- Herbs are needed in vain enameled or glass containers.
- It is best to apply fresh decoction because people carry for a period of not more than a day.
- It is impossible to prepare the infusion using the microwave.
- Should not be added to extract solutions and sugar to improve the taste, sugar weakens the therapeutic properties of drugs.
The advantages of folk remedies
The undeniable advantage of the use of folk remedies for worms and parasites is that tea and they include tinctures based on unnecessary natural herbal ingredients. Used Kun correctly, they do not cause allergic reactions and is completely harmless to the human body. In addition, the negative effects of the popular drugs are almost gone.
National medicines is not in vain to kill the parasites and flush them pois, but the effect is the healing of the following body systems:
- to normalize the intestinal microflora and improves goiter occurs on the background of antiparasitic activity;
- has an antibacterial effect on the entire body;
- to restore the disturbed metabolism;
- helps to strengthen immunity.
And the cure for parasites worms folk remedies can be quickly and quite effectively. It complies with the needs in vain, that the dose and these drugs to ensure no allergic reactions to them. If you use ways patient began to show typical symptoms, the treatment should be stopped to seek the advice of and expert.